Maddy is a BIG fan of Disney Princess. While watching Sleeping Beauty the other night, I realized that a lot of the Disney Princess movies have one thing in common: the princess is friends with animals. Think about it: Princess Jasmine has Rajah, her pet tiger. Snow White sings and dances with the animals in the forest, as does Aurora. Ariel talks to fish, and a seagull named Scuttle. Cinderella has her pet mice. Mulan, though I'm not sure if she's a princess, has her horse. Belle doesn't talk to animals but she does talk to furniture. I think it's cute. I just hope Maddy doesn't expect the dog to reply to her when she's speaking to the dog.
15 years ago
1 Interesting Remarks:
You forgot about Pocahontas and the raccoon!!! LOL! I completely understand the love of princesses...Logan likes princesses too and is now trying to understand when the dog barks. Today she said "mommy, Sadie's trying to tell you she loves me". Precious!
And I just realized I'm tagged but you are my only reader :(
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