Wednesday, October 8, 2008

31 Things You Need To Know

My sister-in-law, Amber, tagged me on her blog. So here goes: 1. Where is your cell phone? In my purse 2. Your significant other? Snores when he sleeps on his back 3. Your hair? Is wet 4. Your mother? Lives far away. 5. Your father? Is still upset that the Mets didn't make it to the playoffs. 6. Your favorite thing? Warm bed covers 7. Your dream last night? I didn''t have one. 8. Your favorite drink? Starbucks Hot Chocolate 9. Your dream/goal? Longterm: that my children will be happy and successful. Short term: For my children to learn that dirty clothes belong IN the laundry hamper. 10. The room you're in? Living 11. Your hobby? Sleeping 12. Your fear? Heights 13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Settled down 14. What you're not? shy 15. Muffin? Blueberry, please. 16. One of your wish list items? a new cell phone 17. Where you grew up? NYC 18. The last thing you did? Put on some chapstick 19. What are you wearing? Capris and a blouse (yes, it's still warm here) 20. Favorite gadget? My iPod 21. Your pets? Doesn't like going out when it's today. 22. Your computer? Is fast. 23. Your mood? Indifferent. 24. Missing someone? Always. 25. Your car? Needs to be washed. 26. Something you're not wearing? Make up 27. Favorite store? Target 28. Like someone? I like many someones 29. Your favorite color? Pink, red, black.... 30. When is the last time you laughed? Just now 31. Last time you cried? A long while ago I tag.... Misty.

2 Interesting Remarks:

Melissa said...

Both of my toddlers put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket, however, JJ still needs to be trained.

Brand New Nurse said...

You tagged me! But you are the only one to read my blogs....:*(.