I wouldn't be a "real blogger" if I didn't write something...anything about last night's historic election. I am proud to say that, though I had to wait in line for a little over an hour, I did go out and vote, and when Adam came home I made him go back out to vote. I was saddened to read that only 72% of the people in Hamilton County voted; a 10% drop from 4 years ago.
Though our candidate of choice was not elected, I feel am very proud. Obama's victory last night showed the world that anything is possible. The US is diverse, and multicultural. It's no longer about race.
In OTHER election news: Puerto Rico governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (Popular Democratic Party) accepted defeat in yesterday's election to Luis Fortuño (New Progressive Party) in what seems like a landslide victory. Acevedo Vilá has been under fire since the recession in 2006 as well as accusation of corruption from the governor's office.
I believe this is a great victory for Puerto Rico and the road to a better future. Again, anything is possible.
15 years ago
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