My friend, Natalie, had some awesome pictures of her daughter made a few months ago by her friend at Flutter Photography. So when she mentioned that her friend was coming to Chattanooga for a photo shoot, I immediately signed up. We had our photo shoot this morning, and it was great fun! We were able to pick the time and the location. Randi was creative, and the girls were great! The entire process was pain FREE. Even Adam enjoyed it! Thanks Natalie for the referral and thank you Randi for all of your time and work! I'm excited to get to see the pictures in a couple of weeks.
15 years ago
4 Interesting Remarks:
what a waste! you didn't put up your photo shoots here...
I will once I get them from the photographer in a couple of weeks. :)
I can't wait to see the pictures!
I can't wait to see those photos!!!! You are sending me one, right? You know, with your addy I still need :). Love ya!
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