Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Funny

This afternoon my daughter asked me if she could borrow my camera to take pictures of flowers when she visits her friend, a couple of weeks from now. I told her that I didn't think it was a good idea, and offered to buy her a disposable camera. She became quiet and said, "Disposable? You mean you throw it away?" I said yes. Now, this is the girl who has scored high on her IQ test, achievement tests, state standardized tests, and is in a Gifted class. I saw the wheels in her head turning. She then replied, "If it's disposable, how will you see the pictures? You have to throw it away." I laughed at her comment, and thought WOW! Is it possible that she's never seen a disposable camera? After explaining the concept to her, she said it was fine. With all this high tech stuff, I guess disposable cameras are unheard of.

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