Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Following Up

I saw my orthopedic doctor today for my 2 week follow up. My casts were removed. What a relief! Those things are so itchy! My right arm felt good, but my left arm hurt real bad. I had a physical exam and it took all my energy to prevent kicking him. It hurt bad. Just like when it broke. I had xrays done, and it was just as I felt. My right elbow improved dramatically, while my left elbow was exactly the same. He showed us the xrays from 12/3 and compared them to todays, and they were identical. He stated that I've had my casts for 3 weeks and it does work because my right elbow is a lot better and with physical therapy, it would be good as new. But if there was no improvement by now with my left elbow, no amount of casting/splinting/physical therapy would help anymore. So I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow where he will reset it, repair it, and put some screws in. Sounds nice, doesn't it? :( I'm so nervous because I've never had anything like this done before. The only surgeries I've had have been with my reproductive organs. I'm so grateful for my good friends Heather and Jenn for coming over daily to check on me. They even came on Monday to wrap all of my Christmas gifts. I'm so glad because there was NO way I can do it. They have helped me complete my Christmas shopping, and setting things up for me, and making sure Christmas is as normal as possible for my girls. I am SO grateful for Adam and all that he's had to endure during this ordeal. He's been so great preparing meals, making sure the needs of the girls are met, cleaning the house, doing laundry, making sure the dog is taken care of, taking care of Debbie's school needs (including her Christmas party at school!), taking care of me (including washing my hair!!), and doing his job too. I love him more and more everyday. I will post an update soon!

3 Interesting Remarks:

Melissa said...

I'm glad you have such wonderful friends and that Adam has been so helpful. Good luck on the surgery tomorrow!

Mandy said...

Wow! Good luck with the surgery. Have fun flying and going through the metal detectors now! Hee Hee... I'm glad you're being well taken care of!Are you going to get them to video the surgery so you can post it on your blog? Ha! Just kidding!

Brand New Nurse said...

Gosh girl, bless your heart! I'm so glad you have a wonderful support system down there and you have a lot of help. Kudo's to Adam for picking up a hell of a lot of work...Bill can relate! :). Keep on healing, you have plenty of hands around you to help :). Love ya.